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How to Love Yourself


Louise Hay offers
these helpful suggestions.
Try them!  They really work.

(Louise Hay 提供了這些有益身心的建議 

大家可以試試看  真的很靈驗哦!)

1.  Stop all criticism:  Criticism never changes a thing.  Refuse to criticize yourself.  Accept yourself exactly as you are.  Everybody changes.  When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative.  When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

不要再吹毛求疵:吹毛求疵 從來不會改變事實  不要對自己太挑剔!接受你本來的樣子  每個人都在改變  當你對自己嚴厲批判的時候 你的改變會是負面的!當你認同自己時 你的改變才會是正向的!

2.  Don't scare yourself:   Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts.  It's a dreadful way to live.   Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine is yellow roses), and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.

不要嚇唬你自己:不要用思想來 恐嚇你自己! 那樣的生活是很可怕的!尋找一種可以令你快樂的「心靈影像」(例如:我的快樂「心靈影像」是黃色的玫瑰花) 然後每當你 恐懼害怕的心升起時 你要趕緊 把你的「驚恐思惟」切換成幸福的「心靈影像」 於是你的心靈就會恢復一片祥和!

3.  Be gentle and kind and patient:   Be gentle with yourself.  Be kind to yourself.  Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking.  Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.

要溫柔、慈悲又有耐心:要對自己很溫柔!要對自己很慈悲!當你在學習任何新的思惟模式時 你要對自己有足夠的耐性!款待你自己的方式---要如同款待你最鍾愛的人一般---慈悲、溫柔又有耐心!

4.  Be kind to your mind:   Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts.  Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts.  Gently change the thoughts.

慈悲對待你的心靈:痛恨自己 就是痛恨你的思想、觀念。不要責怪自己「為何有這樣的念頭或思想」!你只須要 很溫和、很溫柔地去改變你的念頭或思想!

5.  Praise yourself:   Criticism breaks the inner spirit.  Praise builds it up.  Praise yourself as much as you can.  Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.  

賞識、讚嘆你自己:挑剔與無情的審判 只會讓你內在的靈魂崩潰掉!賞識自我 可以 拯救你痛苦的靈魂!盡可能賞識你自己的優點!在做完每一件 小小善行之後 你一定要告訴你自己:「你做得很棒!」

6.  Support yourself:   Find ways to support yourself.  Reach out to friends, and allow them to help you.  It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.

支持你自己:尋找支持自己的最佳方式。可以向你的好友求助,允許他們來救拔你。當你須要幫助時 你要勇敢地向人求援!

7.  Be loving to your negatives:   Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need.  Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs.  So. lovingly release the old negative patterns.

要愛自己的缺點或負面的情緒:承認你的缺點 或內心所生出的負面情緒 是為了填補某一種需求。  現在 你正在尋找 新的、正向的方式來圓滿那些需求。所以呢!要 深情款款地釋放 那些舊有的缺點、負面情緒 或不好的處理模式!

8.  Take care of your body:   Learn about nutrition.  What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality?  Learn about exercise.  What kind of exercise can you enjoy?  Cherish and revere the temple you live in.

照顧好自己的身體健康:研究「營養」--- 什麼樣的營養成分 可以提供你的身體 最大的能量與活力?   也要研究「運動」--- 什麼樣的運動 可以讓你得到最大的樂趣?    好好 珍惜並尊重你所賴以維生的「神殿」---(色身)

9.  Mirror work:  Look into your own eyes often.  Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself.   Forgive yourself looking into the mirror.  Talk to your parents looking into the mirror.  Forgive them, too.  At least once a day, say: "I love you, I really love you!"

照鏡子:要經常端詳著自己的眼神。把內心深處對自己所產生的愛(透過鏡子)傳達出來。看看鏡子中的自己  原諒自己吧!   看著鏡中的自己 對你的父母說話  你也要能原諒你的父母。  你至少要每天 對自己說一次:「我愛你 我真的很愛你!」 

10.  LOVE YOURSELF - DO IT NOW!   Don't wait until you get well or lose the weight, or get the new job, or find the new relationship.  Begin NOW - do the best you can.

好好疼愛你自己---現在就要立刻做到!不要等到 你好轉了 或 瘦了一圈 或找到新的工作 或 找到新的友誼  才肯好好疼愛你自己!現在就要開始---盡所有可能地去疼愛自己



Joseph Wang

My Blog: http://myengteacher.blogspot.com/

~~Seize the Day
Live the Day~~成功屬於堅持到最後的人  
                    .★ * ★ .
.*★ *. *             ★
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★                    .'
            '`  -...祝你每天都 happy!!!!



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