

 How can I improve my writing if I cannot write complete sentences?

 Wring is to express your thought through language. Here we have to key elements: language and thought. For a successful writing activity to happen, both are necessary. When writing in our mother tongue, we spend almost no time in considering language, so our attention is mainly on contents. But when writing in a foreign language, we have to pay attention to both language and thought. If we cannot deal with these two, we might never learn to write in a foreign language well.

  Generally speaking, learning to write in a foreign language demands you to go through three steps, although there is not clear distinction between them. First, learning the basic vocabulary and grammar of this language. At this time, learners have not grasped the basic usage, therefore are still in the basic stage of language learning. Writing exercise usually does not exit in this period; even if it does, it mainly serves a kind of vocabulary or grammar exercise. This kind of writing practice presents very simple contents, but requires that learners should use both vocabulary and grammar correctly.

  Second, learning both language and thought expression. At this time, learners have already got familiar with the basic vocabulary and grammar, and can express simple ideas in this language. Writing exercises at this stage can work for two purposes. Firstly, they can help learners further their understanding of this language. Secondly, they can help learners express certain ideas in foreign language. In the learning practice, these two aspects are actually inseparable. Many students start to keep diary in English from Junior Three; they are in fact progressing in this second stage. 

  Third, learning to focus on thought. When learners can deal with the vocabulary and grammar of a foreign satisfactorily, and can use the language to express rather complicated ideas, they start to enter the third stage. Here language is no longer the biggest problem; instead, how to present good contents gains top priority. What learners pay attention to is how to choose their materials well, how to organize the ideas well, etc. Some people hold that only this third stage is really writing. This may be too biased. Writers, however, have to reach the third stage in order to be successful. 

  If you find it difficult to write complete sentences, you are still in the first stage. At this stage, you do not have to rush to long articles, although you may have some precious profound ideas in your mind. You should make efforts in language accumulation, paying special attention to usages of common words and sentence patterns. Besides, doing translation exercise may also help you improve your ability in using the language, thus making preparation for improving your writing ability. What's more, doing more reading exercises can also help sharpen your sensitivity towards the language.

  To sum up, you may try to make efforts in these three aspects: accumulate language materials, try some translation exercises, and take up some reading exercises. As your language proficiency gradually improves, you will also gradually move into the second stage. Then you will have no trouble in producing complete sentences. 

問題: 我發覺寫不出完整的句子,該怎樣做才能提高我的寫作水準?

  第一, 學習這門語言的基本的詞彙和語法。此時的學習者對這門外語的基本用法還未掌握,因此尚處於學習語言的基礎階段。這時寫作訓練一般沒有,即使有也只是為練習詞彙和語法服務。這種練習一般說來內容都非常簡單,強調的是學習者所使用的詞彙和語法必須正確。
  第二, 語言和內容並舉。此時的學習者已經掌握了該語言的一些基本的詞彙和語法,可以用該語言表達自己的簡單的思想。這時的寫作練習可以達到兩個目的:(1)繼續增強對語言的掌握;(2)用外語表達一定的思想。在具體的學習實踐中,這兩者實際上是不可分的。有許多初三的學生開始用英語記日記,其實他們就正處於這一階段。
  第三, 主要強調內容。當學習者對一門外語的詞彙和語法有了一定的掌握,可以用它來表達相對複雜的思想時,就基本進入了第三階段。此時的語言已經不是最大的障礙,如何寫出好的內容成了頭等大事。這一階段的學習者所注重的是如何選材、如何組織文章之類的問題。有人說只有這第三階段的寫作才是真正的寫作。這一說法可能失之偏頗,但成功的寫作是必須達到這第三階段的。



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