
2006 postponed by one (leap) second

The world's top timekeepers will insert an extra second—or leap second—just before midnight in coordinated universal time (UTC) on New Year's Eve. (That's the same as 6:59:59 p.m. eastern time on December 31.) UTC is determined by atomic clocks and is five hours ahead of eastern time.



At 2/1/06 00:07, Anonymous 匿名 said...

我在全國最高的7-11廣場參加跨年,倒數計時後煙火全放,大家隨著音樂起舞和互道Happy new year 的感覺,真令人感動!願大家新年心想事成!!

At 2/1/06 20:31, Anonymous 匿名 said...

I stayed home with my famaily and my boyfriend. Because this was the last time I stayed home with my parents as a daughter. This year I will get married and have a new famaily . So I want to be with them this moment. And I am full of happiness.

At 6/1/06 16:18, Anonymous 匿名 said...


Anyway, 我去阿里山跨年, 其實不到12點在飯店就算著了, 到快12點整時, 被挖起來倒數, 喴完happy new year之後, 外面就響起鞭炮聲, 但精彩的不是這個, 而是我第一次到阿里山就看到日出, 見到2006年的第一道曙光, 真刺眼!

而且12/31晚上聽張中立和三位大師的現場演奏, 而1/1清晨在天空泛著魚肚白, 太陽還沒jump出來時, 聽到范宗沛優揚的大提琴演奏, 有超幸福的感覺!



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