
Winnie the Pooh

The Grade 2 pupils returned to class after the long weekend.Their teacher told them to tell their classmates about the most excitingthingthey did during the weekend, but to use adult words in telling theirstories.
First Pupil: "I visited my Nana."Teacher: "Please use adult words, you visited your Grandmother."
Second Pupil: I had a ride on a choo-choo."Teacher: "Please, you had a ride on a train."
Third Pupil: I read a whole book by myself for the first time."
Teacher: "Excellent. And what was the name of the book?"
Third Pupil, with a big grin: "Winnie The Shit!"

如果您了解pooh 是什麼, 您就會覺得好笑了 Posted by Picasa


At 30/1/06 13:02, Anonymous 匿名 said...




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