

不再使用but, so, because等基本連接詞:

在寫作時常常不知道如何連接下一段句子嗎? 總是一直用but, so 這些基本連接詞? 今天要教你10種不同的連接詞, 讓你不再詞窮寫作拿高分!
1. but (然而): 
yet (對等連接詞) however; nevertheless; nonetheless (連接副詞)
2. so (因此): 
thus; therefore; hence ; consequently; in consequence; as the/a result; for this reason (連接副詞)
3. besides, in addition to + n. (此外):  
apart from (從屬連接詞); in addition; more so; moreover; furthermore; on the other hand (連接副詞)
4. because of (由於/因為+ N./Ving):  
due to; owing to;  resulted from; by reason of;  on account of; as a result of (從屬連接詞)
5. because, since (由於/因為+子句):  
owing that; as; due to the fact that; for the reason that (從屬連接詞)
6. since (既然):
as; now that; given that; inasmuch as; as long as; so long as (從屬連接詞)
7. though, although (雖然/儘管):  
even though (從屬連接詞、連接副詞) despite that; in spite of; in spite that; notwithstanding; even so (連接副詞)
8. otherwise(否則):  
or else; elsewise; if not (從屬連接詞)
9. suddenly (突然):  
unexpectedly; abruptly (副詞) all of a sudden; all at once (慣用語 idiom)
10. on the opposite (反過來說):  
on the contrary;  in contrast; on the other hand (連接副詞) the other way (a)round; quite the opposite (慣用語 idiom)
  • 對等連接詞(but, yet, so, or):連接詞可連接兩個句子
    ex:I love her, but she doesn’t love me.
  • 連接副詞(however, nevertheless, nonetheless):通常以分號 “;"和逗號","加諸於副詞連接詞前後,並置於兩個獨立子句之中。
    ex: He loves her; however, she doesn’t love him. 或者 He loves her. However, she doesn’t love him.
  • 從屬連接詞(as, as long as, because, since):從屬子句在某種程度上是用來修飾主要子句。而主要子句可單獨存在,從屬子句卻無法單獨存在。



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