


Despite often testy ties, Taiwan companies are estimated to have invested over US$100 billion in China since the 1980s.

testy ties: 緊張關係

An estimated 1 million of Taiwan's people, or 5 percent of its population, work or live in China and must normally transit through places such as Hong Kong when traveling between the two sides, adding at least four hours to their journeys.

Direct air links would be the latest in a series of developments, from visits to the mainland by Taiwan opposition politicians to Beijing's promises to give Taipei two endangered pandas, that have thawed relations between the two sides this year.

直航:Direct air links; opposition politicians : 在野政客

China's top official in charge of tourism was currently in Taiwan for a 10-day visit, fuelling hopes the trip could open the floodgates for Chinese tourists to the island.

燃起希望; fuelling hopes



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